Since 2003, we’ve been serving pro contractors in the Twin Cities metro with high-quality, pre-built wall panels and permanent wood foundations. The projects we’ve supplied products for, range from residential homes to large apartment buildings, offering competitive pricing and sustainable building practices. Our goal is to speed up your construction process and give you an edge over your competition.

We build your wall panels and permanent wood foundations in our quality-controlled, weather-free environment so you know you’ll get the best products. Several quality checks are performed to ensure that your wall panels or wood foundations are made to exact specifications. Our space also allows us to run three full production lines during the busy season, so when you need your project completed, we can get to it quickly.

When you work with us to create your wall panels, we begin with designing the product on our computer so that we can catch any design issues right away. We use the Hundegger Speed-Cut SC1 Saw to precisely cut your pieces, then pass them on to be assembled by our experts. We use overhead screens in our plant that show our craftspersons how every panel will be constructed.

But prefabricated wall panels aren’t the only construction piece that we supply—we also provide permanent wood foundations. Although our assembly process differs from wall panels, the precision and expertise stays the same. Our wood foundations are custom designed and engineered so you’ll get exactly what you need for your project.

When you tour the Edgebuilder facility, you’ll see bundles of construction components ready to be sent to our clients’ job sites. Because space is often limited at these sites, we deliver product on an as-needed basis, bundled in the order they’ll be used.

The 16,000 sq. ft. EdgeBuilder facility is located in Prescott, Wisconsin. Contact us to schedule a guided tour of our plant or take a virtual tour on our website. You can also check out a portfolio of projects we’ve supplied wall panels or wood foundations for here:

Ready to build better, smarter, and faster? Contact EdgeBuilder Wall Panels, Inc. today.