When it comes to the foundation of your home, you need it to be sturdy. Concrete has been a popular foundation material for many years, but that isn’t the only option. Permanent wood foundations are strong, durable, and keep your basement warm and dry. There are many misconceptions about wood foundations, however, which we aim to clear up!

One myth about permanent wood foundations is that the wood will rot. These foundations aren’t built with just any wood—this wood is treated for below-ground use, which protect the foundation against termites and rot. The wood is rated for ground and water contact, so the wood won’t be damaged if water seeps into the foundation. Wood foundations are also designed to withstand pressure and are fastened to the main structure.wood basement cutaway

Another misconception about wood foundations is that they aren’t strong enough to hold up a two-story house. This is false! These foundations are built to withstand the load of the house and the pressure from the soil.

In Minnesota, warmth is always a concern during the winter months. Wood foundations are actually warmer than concrete foundations and are energy efficient.

With these foundations, they still have a small concrete base that the wood sits on, which makes them stable. Permanent wood foundations are easier to install than concrete, saving time and energy on the job site.

Since no basement furring walls are needed, you get more basement square footage. Who wouldn’t want a bigger, more comfortable living space? And, if you want a finished basement, the finishing process is easier because wiring can be run through the exterior wall studs.

One of our clients, a homeowner, had a huge amount of rain hit his area back in 2010. He said that “our area had a twelve-inch rainfall in less than twenty-four hours. Many basements in the area flooded but my EdgeBuilder basement took on no water whatsoever.”

If you want a foundation that is stable, long-lasting, and won’t crack, call EdgeBuilder to get an estimate on installing a permanent wood foundation. We’ve been serving the Twin Cities area since 2003.